1. Do you have instructions for collecting the samples with the YSEQ sample collection kit? |
2. Do I need to send any documents when I'm returning my DNA samples? |
Sometimes you'll need to file a customs declaration when you return your samples to the lab. We've prepared a declaration letter which you may print and send along with your kit(s).
Declaration Letter
last updated - 2020-11-02 18:50:04 |
3. I have sent you my sample with a previous order. Do I need to pay for the shipping again? |
No, by default we store your DNA as long as you don't tell us to destroy it. If we need more/fresh DNA we'll contact you and send you a free replacement kit.
Please enter the coupon code IDONTNEEDAKIT into the coupon code field during the checkout procedure (Payment Information). This will give you a $5 discount to offset for the not used shipping fees.
last updated - 2015-09-30 21:03:23 |
4. How long does it take until I receive my results? |
More than 95% of the customers receive the results of their DNA tests within 5 weeks after the sample is received at the YSEQ laboratory. Only in rare cases we need to order new primers or send you a new sample kit. Then it may take several weeks longer.
If the results take longer than 5 weeks you have the possibility to change or cancel your order and then we'll refund the test fee for the outstanding results.
One exception: WGS tests usually take longer than 5 weeks. The turnaround time is approx. 4-5 months at the moment. Cancellation is no longer possible once processing has started. |
last updated - 2023-03-02 11:00:38 |
5. Why do I receive many more results than I have ordered? |
When we analyze a SNP marker, we really sequence a region of approximately +/- 200 bases around the SNP that you ordered. We simply score all markers on the sequencing trace that are known. In most cases those markers are not very helpful for the test taker, but in rare cases they may contain valuable additional information. Also a researcher from a different haplogroup may be happy if he finds a negative control. We simply hate to throw away this information. |
last updated - 2015-09-30 19:53:04 |
6. Do I need to pay customs and/or import sales tax for the sample I send to the YSEQ laboratory? |
The YSEQ management has the justified opinion that there shouldn't be any customs and/or import sales tax for the sample that you send back to YSEQ. However this topic is permanently disputed by postal employees and customs officers. We're not aware of any legal court decision that ultimately clarifies the situation, however our official request directed to the German Generalzolldirektion (Head of all German customs departments) has come to the final concluding decision that oral cheek cells are not merchandise.
For a transcript of the lengthy discussion please see this Original or English version of our communication with the Generalzolldirektion.
last updated - 2021-05-03 20:52:02 |
7. Which laboratory is processing the DNA tests? |
All DNA tests are processed in our own YSEQ GmbH laboratory in Berlin (Germany). The strict German regulations for protecting your privacy and DNA information apply to us and are part of our SOPs. |
last updated - 2020-11-02 18:26:11 |
8. How can I tell if I'm ancestral (=negative) or derived (=positive) for a certain SNP? |
Go to the table of your results and check the allele column on the very right side. It shows the DNA base (A,G,C or T) that you have at the SNP position and a little plus (+) or minus (-) sign behind it. Plus means that you are derived for that SNP and minus means that you are ancestral. |
last updated - 2015-10-01 15:04:50 |
9. What does the * mean after a haplogroup designation? E.g. R1b-L21* |
YSEQ is using the * designation only in the context of haplogroups. So R1b-L21* would mean that the person was tested derived (+) for L21, but negative for all downstream nodes that we have given in the associated tree. This tree represents the current state of (our) knowledge about SNP defined branches that have been shared among at least 2 people. So in case of R1b-L21* the person would be ancestral for BY3031, A5846, A7906, DF63 and DF13. |
last updated - 2017-04-01 10:22:17 |
10. What does ins or del mean in my results? |
Some mutations aren't changes in a single base, like a base change from G to T. Sometimes one or several bases can be added or got lost. Such mutations are called Indel. Either there is an insertion of 1 or more bases (ins) or a deletion of 1 or more bases (del). |
last updated - 2021-04-09 15:50:46 |
11. Why don't you answer my email requests about when I receive my results, despite I have sent you already multiple emails? |
We are a small DNA testing company and we process your samples with our own hands. When we are short in time it makes more sense to actually test your samples in our lab rather than finding excuses why the results are not released yet. You can be sure that we take care of every order and we try our best to process them as fast as possible. We certainly try to answer legitimate requests as good as we can, but if you don't get a reply immediately, please check if you have been waiting for more than five weeks already. |
last updated - 2021-04-09 15:50:38 |