This panel is recommended to Morrison family members in haplogroup R1b-A40.
The panel contains the following 3 markers:
FT20095 - 8855748 A > C (Hg38)
This SNP is from a common ancestor to every descendant of our 4 original Immigrant brothers who came to America in 1730.
FGC5577 - 7005202 G > A (Hg38)
So far we have one member of Morrison-Q who has this SNP but not the one above - VERY close in relationship (GD of 1 at 111 markers from our modal) - we assume his common ancestor was a close cousin to our 4 original immigrant brothers.
A40 - 8231047 G > A (Hg38)
This SNP is a “recent” major branch of our Y Tree - estimated to be 1800 ypb - we want to include a more distant SNP allowing us to “catch” any more distant (but not too far back) member of our family - hoping to eventually make a connection to our roots in Scotland.