You can’t find the SNP of your interest in our catalog?
No problem, just add
“Wish a SNP” to your shopping cart and click the Checkout button.
Then enter the name of your desired SNP, its position (
hg38) on ChrY, the ancestral and derived mutation bases and the haplogroup where it’s been observed in the “Add Comments About Your Order” field.
Please do not suggest SNPs in the following hg38 regions:
chrY:1..2781479 (pseudo autosomal region 1, PAR1)
chrY:10072350..11686750 (synthetic assembled centromeric region, CEN)
chrY:20054914..20351054 (DYZ19 125 bp repeat region)
chrY:26637971..26673210 (post palindromic region, actually gradual start of Yq12 repetitive region)
chrY:56887903..57217415 (pseudo autosomal region 2, PAR2)
Those sections of the Y chromosome suffer from frequent recombination events and are therefore not useful for phylogenetic studies. Unfortunately we can't provide primers for those regions.
We will design primers for your SNP and contact you by e-mail as soon as the SNP becomes available for purchase.
If you'd like to wish more than 1 SNP please update the total number in your shopping cart (next screen).
Thanks for your input!
In case we can't make the desired SNP available we don't refund the “Wish a SNP” fee, because we checked the SNP for you.
Available Options:
Reference Sequence: