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This is YSEQ's Whole Genome Sequence with 90 Gbases output

What's included in the WGS+?
  • 100 or 150 base paired end reads
  • About 90 Gbases raw data, the PLUS in coverage
  • Exact Y and mt haplogroup*
  • Autosomal results file
  • Free DNAvataaar based on your phenotyping results
  • Free expert's report by email
  • Free BAM file for download

  • Details

    YSEQ extracts the DNA in-house and measures the concentration of the DNA. After QC (quality control) we prepare a sequencing library for the NGS instrument. After the raw FastQ files are returned from the sequencer YSEQ will perform an in depth analysis of the dataset focusing on genealogy relevant topics. We'll annotate every named Y chromosome SNP from Ybrowse to a VCF document with their ancestral and derived states. You'll receive separate files for your derived SNPs and for your novel SNP candidates and the InDel mutations. The novel SNPs will be qualified by an experienced scientist manually and up to 10 novel mutations can be verified with your sample by Sanger sequencing (optional Sanger confirmation package).

    The analysis includes also the complete mitochondrial DNA sequence with your mt haplogroup information.

    The autosomal 1240K panel in plink format is included and can be used for uploads to GEDmatch.
    All available raw data will be provided for download (free) or alternatively sent by mail on a micro SD card ($60 for the 128 Gbyte SD card and shipping fees will be added).

    The YSEQ analysis does not contain any medical relevant information since the purpose is genealogy. But of course health related information is contained in the raw data and can be extracted from a third-party expert. When ordering this test, you'll need to sign a written consent form stating that you understand the medical implications and the risks associated with decoding this information. You'll need to indemnify YSEQ from any responsibility associated with health information encoded in your raw data. This product is Research Use Only! Not designed for extracting reliable medical information from the raw data files!

    Coverage: 90 Gbases raw data per sample means about 30x coverage.

    This is usually more than sufficient for the given coverage on autosomes and half of this on the Y chromosome. However bacterial contamination in your sample may reduce this coverage. Therefore we urgently ask you to provide a fresh high quality sample exactly according to the instructions. We will measure the bacterial contamination upfront in your extracted DNA and we will notify you if the bacterial contamination is higher than usual and you will be able to provide a replacement sample or risk a run with lower coverage on the human reference sequence.

    * Y chromosomal data and haplogroups only in male samples.

    Available Options:

    Raw Data Delivery:

    Sanger Confirmation Package:


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