The R1b-L21 Superclade Panel is tested in several stages:
First DF13 and Z39589 are tested. Depending on the result of DF13 and Z39589 the most frequent occurring markers downstream from DF13
or Z39589 are tested. If a marker downstream of DF13 or Z39589 is found positive, we will immediately proceed with the FREE downstream panel and continue testing until the most downstream (non-private) branch according to our latest research. Please refer to each L21 downstream panel to see the details.
If DF13 is negative we'll test L21, DF63 and A5846, A7906, and BY3031 in the next round. If DF63 is positive, we'll continue with the FREE DF63 Panel.
However in most cases we expect that DF13 will be positive. Then we'll test various bold color coded markers in stage two. A positive result will trigger testing the downstream SNPs of each branch. If all colored downstream SNPs of DF13 are negative, we'll continue with the brown, rare subclades.
The test is completed when the unique phylogenetic position on the tree has been determined.
See this tree diagram to understand the groupings in this panel: